
The House Majority (Republicans), who control the agenda for the house, are really the ones behind the "redistribution of wealth" plot which has lead to income inequity at historical extremes. And they've been getting away with it for YEARS.

If the House Majority were honestly interested in cutting costs, maybe they should think about how much they spend every time they bring up another bill to repeal Obamacare. So far they have tried it at least 33 times. Multiply that times the $30 million it costs for each day Congress is in session. You do the math.

During that same time they held Zero votes on any of the President's jobs bills, blocking the 2011 Jobs Bill, Fair Pay Act, DREAM Act, Small Business Jobs Act and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. While they were at it they also blocked Wall Street Reform, Anti-Rape Amendment, Benefits for Homeless Veterans, Unemployment Extension bill HR 4213, Health Care for the 9/11 First Responders, Political Ad Disclosure bill, taxing companies that ship jobs overseas, oil spill liability, and immigration reform.

Let's put some new issues on the table. How about ending the war on drugs saving $410 billion and tax the sale of marijuana adding $467 billion for a net benefit of $877 billion. Allow Medicare to negotiate with Big Pharma to save billions. Close offshore tax havens - saving $1 trillion. Add a 0.25% financial speculation tax adding $1.5 trillion in revenue, and mint more money by printing fewer dollar bills in favor of dollar coins saving $4.4 billion over the next 30 years. And on immigration, replace detention with ankle bracelets saving untold millions. Now it's your turn to come up with something besides cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, Mitch.

Gordon Clay