Time for Kruse, Krieger to go

In reply to Mr. Ralph Martin's comments about my forum article (Pilot, Jan. 20): I wish I had been in town for Representative DeFazio's town hall meeting though, from what I've heard, the audience was a lot more respectful of Kruse and Krieger.

What caused me to make this comment is that State Representative Krieger started off the town hall meeting in Brookings by saying the speaker of the house and president of the senate were unethical and bemoaned "...the lack of honesty and integrity at the root of this country." He then proceeded during the majority of the next hour-plus demonstrating his lack of honesty and integrity.

I agree that any new corporate taxes will be passed on to the consumer. That's what sales taxes do in the other 47 states. However, that impacts middle and upper income people more since they have more disposable income to buy more or bigger ticket items.

Regarding voting everyone out of office, it sounds like a good idea. The trouble is that it would give lobbyists more power since they would be the new legislature's main history book.

It's time for Kruse and Krieger to go. They've convinced their constituents to cut, cut, cut, saying we don't need a stronger educational system, safer streets or highways, and better health services. My message to Salem: If budget cuts are needed, why punish the counties that voted for ways to pay for those services. Take it out of the budgets for those counties that voted against (Measures) 66 and 67. After all, when is Salem going to listen. These counties clearly don't want these services. Let's stop forcing this money on them. That, in itself, will help any future deficit.

Gordon Clay