
We would like to take this opportunity to thank some people for their support of the First Friday Salon. Starting with the 21 people who stayed for over an hour and a half to discuss our first film, "The Shock Doctrine." To the Chetco Federal Credit Union, Southwestern Oregon Community College and, of course, the Pilot for their on-going support.

This coming Friday, we will be showing the 2010 movie "Gasland: Can you light your water on fire?" about the impact of the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing - or fracking - for natural gas.

Learn more about the film at http://bit.ly/ynnavi and join us for the First Friday Salon on March 2nd at 6pm, presented by TheCitizensWhoCare.org, giving you something to think about. It's not rated so all ages are welcome. Wheelchair accessible. And it's Free so come join us!

Gordon Clay