One of the GOP planks in the last election was jobs. As of April 15th, over 100 days have passed since House Speaker Boehner took over the gavel. The Republicans have presented many bills (religious bills, bills to cut funding and jobs for many Americans still working) but not one single job creation bill.

This is all just busy work to keep Democrats reacting instead of leading. They combine to be a very effective smokescreen covering up the fact that the Republicans don't really have a job creation plan.

The Democrats remind me of a Turtle. They appear to be hard shelled but a little tap on their back and they stop moving and retreat back into their shells. The Republicans have taken on the characteristics of the Ostrich. They give a vicious kick in the back to the working class but when it comes to jobs, the economy, the growth of the nation and the development of an educational system that can actually teach our children skills needed to remain competitive in the world, they stick their collective heads in the sand.

With the TEA Party running the Grand Opposition Party, your daughters aren't safe and neither are seniors, the middle class, the environment, nor democracy but big oil, coal, health insurance companies, Wall Street and the rich sure will be as America continues to lose its place in the future.

I prefer a nation where human beings, health, families, communities, children, adults, and peace on earth flourish. If this is truly a religious nation, I hope people to see - it's not about getting your own piece of the pie and letting others fight for any crumbs - it's that we’re all in this together. See more at - Gordon Clay