Tea people, do more than just talk

The recent front pages of the Pilot have been filled with stories about the dissatisfaction of our local citizens with city and county efforts to come within budget ("Shop class proponents give earful to school board," "Verbal melee at county ad hoc meeting").

Here are immediate local opportunities for the tea party to make their point and support the county commissioners, school district and sheriff's department in their efforts to cut or reduce programs that our citizens are unwilling to fund. Where were you with your red, white and blue signs loudly supporting the elimination of these programs?

You talk about wanting lower taxes, fewer government services and reduced oversight of industry. That's easy to say to gather people around. Putting your statements into actual proposals is the difficult part.

Or is it all just talk? Does the tea party have actual proposals of what needs to be funded and what isn't important for the growth and stability of our city, county, state and nation?  Here's your opportunity to outline specific services to be reduced or eliminated. It's an opportunity to provide solid ways for us to live within our means without increasing taxes or debt? And, it would give us all an idea of what you really stand for.

Please be specific. Let's see some actual recommendations, and make sure any recommendations you create are covered in the Constitution.

For the record, I support finding ways to fully fund shop and sports programs and the Economic Development Department and Sheriff's Department.

Gordon Clay