Letter to the Editor

Don't be conned by the story and advertisement that appeared in the news section of the Pilot (June 13th) claiming that Peter DeFazio was "asked" to speak at the Brookings-Harbor TEA Party meeting this Saturday and any implication that might hold that he would be here. Can anyone say deja vu?

This is just another gimmick taken from the Art Robinson Book on Political Skullduggery. They know Peter won't be there because Peter and his staff didn't know anything about the invitation until it appeared in Wednesday's Pilot. Whomever concocted this scheme probably expects non-TEA Partiers to be fooled into showing up to one of their events. Then, give Art the floor to expound in Peter's absence and probably use some of that time to do what he tried to do before the last election - have the whole time to himself (and "Chicken Man"?) to make people think Peter didn't want to face him or that Peter bailed. That's Art's kind of integrity for you, once again exposed and out in the open. They wanted you to be an "informed voter". This kind of politics should help

So, if you're thinking of showing up expecting a face-off between Peter and Art, enjoy the weather outside instead. It will be a lot healthier for you and for our community.

Gordon Clay