The GOP has done a wonderful job since they lost the Presidency, House and Senate. A wonderful job, that is, in trying to get us to forget the job the last administration did, as stated in Wm Harlan's letter. Similar to but different tactics from the White Water Papers diversion.

The GOP and their fellow T.E.A. Party activists would like to see the clock turned back a couple of years so they can put even more money in the pockets of the wealthy class.

They do know how to drive and they proved it by driving our country, educational and economic systems and personal freedoms directly to the dump.

To name a few:

Dare to refresh your memory of GWB's first 3 years at

It takes much longer to repair a broken system than it takes to break it, and it took 8 years of GWB policies to get our country to its lowest point since the depression. We need a progressive congress to continue the repair work, rather than the repressive congress known as The Party of "No" which has been blocking progress at every turn making it considerably more difficult to repair the damaged system.

Don't get conned again. Vote for progressive candidates especially if you clear less than $250,000 a year. - Gordon Clay