Clay Dalrymple is right. "Forget compromise." This is not the time for Democrats to wave the white flag nor give Republicants ANY concessions.

According to Mitch McConnell, the Republicants plan to continue to block as much legislation as they can, preventing the country from regaining it's economic status in the world. They tried to block legislation for small business, unemployment benefits and other programs that help the less fortunate. They said during the elections they were interested in jobs. Unfortunately, the only jobs they were interested in were their own.

As we can see, the Republicants first order of business is to extend the 2000 and 2003 TEMPORARY tax cuts which haven't done anything for the last 10 years except add to the national debt and the pocketbooks of the most privileged - think trickle up effect.

The Republicants next priority is to kick 2.4 million newly signed up kids off healthcare and block another 5 million from getting healthcare and start from scratch (read block efforts for any healthcare reform like they have since Clinton was in office.) I actually like the name Obamacare. At least someone cares.

The Republicants continue to block legislation to improve safety of coalminers and prevent food poisoning, because it might cost corporations a little more to provide a safe working environment and safe food sources. They are listening to their real constituants. Not their local constituants, mind you. The corporate entities that spent millions on their campaigns. Those are their constituents now. Just watch. - Gordon Clay