I was surprised by Lea Sevey's rebuttal letter (Pilot, 11/16/11) "Question accuracy of abuse statistics" when she used 17+ year old information and 20 year old FBI stats claiming I was providing misinformation though she didn't directly address any of my statements or provide traceable references. The reference I gave in my letter (Pilot 11/9/11), has the sources for all of the statistics I provided plus books, resources and much more on the subject. (See http://bit.ly/tEZEe4)

A lot has happened in the past 20 years as more men realize that they have had domestic violence perpetrated upon them by wives and girlfriends and are starting to report it, especially in the cases where there are children exposed to it. I was specifically bringing awareness to this area that virtually never gets talked about as if domestic violence only happens to women.

There's no excuse for domestic violence. So let's make an effort to look at Domestic Violence in today's world so that we can provide valuable services for all perpetrators and all victims regardless of their sex.

Gordon Clay