Letter to the Editor

Regarding Dom Petrucelli's letter "Yes, Shirley, there is a Jesus" (Pilot, 12/17/11), he should add "in the Bible." Dom. Please don't feel sorry for me.

In his 12/1/07 Faith Forum he states that 87% of American's want a manger on city property. Know that the number of residents who are affiliated with any religious congregation represent only 35 percent in Del Norte County and Curry County can't even muster 20 percent. (http://bit.ly/rOqTDI)

He mentions the First Amendment which not only supports his right to believe what he wants but also protects the rest of us from having to experience the dominant religions icons on public lands that we all pay taxes on. It does bring into question why Christmas is still a Federal holiday, though. I guess it's become too much of a money maker.

Yet Christmas seems to permeate Brookings regardless. The Pilot has printed religious drawings from Azalea and K-School assignments. And religious symbols still appear on public land with the Star of Bethlehem over the Botanical Garden and a large manger in Azalea Park.

With all of his pleadings, Dom hasn't been able to convince any of the 20 some churches in Brookings/Harbor to put a manger up on their own property. Now that he actually has a building for his church, maybe he'll take his own advice and construct a manger there. (He hasn't as of 12/19/11.)

Happy holidays, Dom.

Gordon Clay