Cold Hard Facts about
Here's the truth about dip. Believe
what you read. It's right on the can.
This Product May Cause Mouth Cancer. It's a fact.
Dipping causes lip, cheek, tongue, and other types of oral
cancer. And the longer you dip, the greater your chances of
getting oral cancer become.
This Product may cause gym disease and result in tooth
loss. A dipper's gums start receding. Dip damages
mouth tissue beyond repair. And mouth sores that look like
grayish white places on the inner cheek begin to appear.
Nearly 100% of all oral cancers start from these mouth
This Product is not a safe alternative to ciragette
smoking. When he was 12 years old, Sean Marsee began
dipping. He thought it was safe. Six years later, he had
cancer in the very spot where he once put dip. At 19, Sean
Marsee was dead.
What you may not know about Dip. The tobacco
companies start you out on sugary, long cut dip that's easy
for a new dipper to handle. As you get used to the buzz from
the nicotine, you want more.
- You start dipping more. You start
trying finer cut brands with more nicotine to satisfy
your need. That's exactly what the tobacco companies want
you to do.
- Dipping is addictive. Period. The
nicotine in dip is a drug.
- You know you're
- You don't know if you can stop or
even if you should.
What you do with the facts is up to
you. For more information, call toll free any time
1.800.ACS.2345 or visit www.cancer.org
about it!