
Parent/Neighbor Pledge
Student Promise

As a Parent or Neighbor, I pledge that:

I will not knowingly allow parties or gathering in my house when I am not present.

I will not serve nor will I knowingly allow youth under the legal drinking age to consume alcohol in my house or on my property.

I will not knowingly allow the use of illegal drugs in my home or on my property.

I wish to be informed, confidentially and without judgment, by any parent or neighbor who has PERSONALLY observed my child using alcohol or other illegal drugs.

I will make an effort to inform, confidentially and without judgment, the parents of a child whom I have PERSONALLY observed using alcohol or other illegal drugs.

If I am not a parent but a concerned citizen, I also agree to all of the conditions.

This pledge is a statement of concern and intent.

Parent's Name _________________________________________________________________

Parent's Name _________________________________________________________________

Home Address ________________________________________________________________

Home Phone ______________________________ Cell Phone ________________________

E-Mail ______________________________________________________________________

As a Student, I take the BuzzFree promise:

I am strong,

I make decisions based on what I know is right

I promise to be true to my word and myself, and support others in keeping this promise as well.

If I am weak, I will ask support from those who can help.

My life is worth it, as are the lives of those around me.

I want to have a spectacular prom - a safe prom.

I promise to stay sober free of alcohol and other drugs.

If you are ready to sign the MADD "PROMise To Keep It Safe" pledge to remain alcohol-free on prom night, go to the web site below. In return for your responsible choice, receive a BuzzFree ID to get great prom discounts and incentives (offers available vary by market).
Source: www.buzzfreeprom.com/students/students_pledge.html

©2007-2023, www.TheCitizensWhoCare.org/brookings/pledge.html