Many people worry that we are leaving a country that our children and grand children can't afford. I'm concerned that we're leaving a country, and planet, that they can't survive on. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Before you buy, start thinking more durable, long-lasting and refillable products. Avoid disposable or single-use products like pens, razors, lighters, foam or paper cups, plates and utensils - you get the picture. Use reusable durable shopping bags and coffee and water mugs, when shopping, You'll be amazed what you can recycle. Printer paper, juice and egg cartons, batteries, florescent bulbs, motor oil, tires, even the whole car. Call 469-1010 and they'll pick up your unwanted vehicle and dispose of it for you. Get credit at Office Depot or Staples for used printer ink cartridges. Every time you throw something recyclable in the trash, close your eyes and see it wash up on Harris Beach. It doesn't belong on the beach. It belongs as part of another product, so separate and take it to Curry Transfer and Recycling. Look around your house, closet, yard and garage. See how many things you can find that others might find useful. Clean them up and have a garage sale or donate them to a thrift shop. Then order a dumpster and see if you can fill it with all the other "stuff" cluttering up your life. There are even through-the-mail programs that make it easy for you to recycle many household items that contain harmful materials, like mercury, without leaving your house? www.wm.com Some simple things Don't put aluminum, tin or steel cans, cardboard, paper (newspaper, printer paper, junk mail and paper bags, plastic bottles and jugs and milk and juice cartons in the trash - take a trunk load to Curry Transfer and Recycling and separate them into their proper bins. Recycle compact florescent bulbs and tubes, batteries and electronics responsibly Plastic grocery bags - outlawed in some cities. March 20, retail establishments in Santa Cruz can no longer use them. Furthermore, if you don't bring your own bag(s), you will be charged ten cents for each paper bag the retailer has to provide. Polystyrene is commonly used to produce packing peanuts, food trays, cups and bowls, as well as CD jewel cases and clear plastic cups. Although polystyrene products may display the resin identification code, this does not always mean they can be recycled, simply because most recycling facilities do not have the processing capabilities to accept them. Please check with your local facility to determine if polystyrene is recycled there. Foam Polystyrene. Geography is one factor in determining whether or not recycling polystyrene makes economic sense. One solution is to take your own container to use when you get your morning coffee at a retail location. If you have to use their form polystyrene cups, Go to the Post Office and ask if they still have their Go Green stamps. If so, order a sheet and post the stamps around as reminders of things you can do to reduce your environmental footprint. Buy local produce reuse bags. Fix water leaks. Share rides - yes, even in Brookings Ride a bike Or Choose to actually walk Turn off lights not in use Compost Let nature do the work (drying clothes) Recycle more. Plant trees. Insulate the home Use public transportation Use efficient light bulbs Adjust the thermostat Maintain tire pressure. Think about it. If not yours, someone's kids are going to be impacted by your recycling habits. Make sure it's a positive impact. www.wm.com