Local Public Safety Coordinating Council Annual Report to the Legislature April 2010 Criminal Justice Commission, State of Oregon (38 page PDF)
Local Public
Safety Coordinating Council - Oregon Well-functioning criminal justice coordinating councils can be vitally important resources for local governments as they seek to fulfill their mandates to assure public safety and fair treatment of all, while coping with reduced budgets. The councils can provide a forum for identifying issues and, depending on their structure and role in county or city government, can be instrumental in setting priorities, allocating resources, and planning to address key systemic issues. In 1995, Senate Bill 1145 required every county to convene a Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC). While LPSCCs across the state engage in a variety of activities to improve system-wide communication and collaboration, their primary purpose is to:
In order to engage in high-level policy planning and decision-making, LPSCC membership must include key local public safety system partners:
"Improved planning and coordination help individual justice agencies become more efficient, productive, and effective. Such improvements also help officials of general government such as the city mayor, board of supervisors, and county commissioners evaluate and make decisions about the justice system and its cost and performance. Many local governments also are finding that comprehensive system wide planning (interagency and cross-jurisdictional) helps to streamline the entire local system of justice, eliminating duplication, filling service gaps, and generally improving the quality of service while controlling costs." Criminal Justice Commission, 885
Summer St NE, Salem, OR 97301 Phone: (503) 378-4830, Fax:
(503) 378-4861 Local Public
Safety Coordinating Council - Curry County FUNCTION: Shall develop and recommend to BOC plans to provide for and influence public safety. FOUNDATION: ORS 423.560 MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: Comprised of members of agencies that provide for and influence public safety. POSTIONS: Comm; police chf; sheriff; DA; st court judge; pub defndr/def atty;mayor; city mgr/city rep; Comm Corr supv; educ rep; CCCCF rep; Health Dir; Hum Serv Dir; Juv Dir; child/ fam svc rep; subst abuse prev coord; OYA rep; OSP rep; hosp rep; 3 lay TERM: At pleasure of B.O.C. except: 3 lay (2 years) and student (1 schl year) NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 23 named positions; quorum= majority voting members present; 5 minimum SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: BOC appts lay members. OSP, OYA, student rep are non-voting; addl voting members may be added with LPSCC & BOC approval INFORMATION CONTACT: Commissioner Court Boice or David Denney