
Is it Worth a Million to Stay in School?

These "Stay in School" programs are designed to introduce incoming students to the value of an education. The face of the bill appears as above and the back of the bill includes the following statement centered in the design:

High School Program

College Program
(Proof to come of the following message)

Graduating with a Bachelor's degree, you'll earn an average of $1,200,000 more than high school graduates. Finish a master's program and it's $2,500,000 more, a doctoral program averages $3,400,000 more and professional degrees do best at $4,400,000 more. Post this bill where you will see it when times get tough as a reminder that, in the long run, it is well worth it to make it through graduation. If you decide to drop out, it's like throwing away a million dollars..

Brought to you by TheCitizensWhoCare.org

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