Bully Resources


If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, Call 911 or Text 741741

If you need more help than you're finding on this site, please reach out to the following organizations:

PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center
The Trevor Project
The Bully Project
Oregon Health Authority Recommendations


  Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schoolsl

High school kit (Free 230 page PDF) store.samhsa.gov/product/Preventing-Suicide-A-Toolkit-for-High-Schools/SMA12-4669

HS Kit Promotional Flyer (1 page PDF)  store.samhsa.gov/shin/content//SMA12-4669/SMA12-4669Flyer.pdf

What every teacher should know

English - public.health.oregon.gov/PreventionWellness/SafeLiving/SuicidePrevention/Pages/steps.aspx

Spanish - public.health.oregon.gov/PreventionWellness/SafeLiving/SuicidePrevention/Pages/espsteps.aspx


PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center

PACER National Bullying Prevention Center: A portal with additional bullying prevention resources, including educational and awareness toolkits, contest ideas, promotional products and more.

PACER Teens Against Bullying: By and for teens, a place to find ways to address bullying, to take action, to be heard, and to own an important social cause.

PACER Kids Against Bullying: Designed for elementary school students to learn about bullying prevention, engage in activities and be inspired to take action.

The Trevor Project

Trevor Support Center: A place where LGBTQ youth and allies can find answers to frequently asked questions, and explore resources related to sexual orientation, gender identity and more!

Suicide Prevention Resources: Learn the signs, the facts, and how you can help prevent suicide.


The GLSEN Jump Start Guide: Students in middle and high-school: start or lead your gay-straight alliance (GSA) with the GLSEN GSA guide, available to download for free.

Join GLSEN: Join or start a local GLSEN chapter near you!

The Bully Project

The Bully Project Mural: A digital destination where people can share art, stories, and perspectives about bullying, its impact, and how the community can help stop it.

Ten Ways To Be An Upstander: Tips and tools for ways to help stop bullying. From spreading the word among friends to creating a program in your community, you can make a difference.

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