Opening Statement: Your goal or purpose for this meeting

OSBA - Trust - GBNA/JFCF-AR split and changed. Put most of policy for GBNA in GBNA-AR. reversed process for JFCF-and JFCF-AR. ALSO, shall/must, bus stop, protected class, removed state contact

June 2015 Policy Updates

Protected class - home page, chart, three policies in June updates - all different. (Too many different people working on policys - noone responsible for an overview



Board/district ignoring safe schools/bullying (Title IX co-or, protected class, coaches creed is it

7 conciliation

"Deliberate indifference" (persists) 31+ pages - cases

Protected class

Only public Coach's Creed - only a MAJOR violation acted upon

Safe Schools (not accessible-email) on web no other info not even coach's creed., Hillsboro

Safe in mission statement


Girls b-ball non written complaints

Cost to the district?

Creed on the web site

District action - suicide/mental health stigma - JHH, Troust


Any no-bully programs, training's, etc. October Bully prevention month. (Next week is naitonal No-Name Calling week sponsored by the National Teachers Association. - lesson plans by school.

My comments on policy updates (less than 52 hours to work on 104 pages. Go through first reading before community comments. Against ___ Policy


Sent policy updates to you. You said we'd have a meeting. Called several times. Is this that meeting?


Healthy teen 2013, 2015 - support for community financial involvement. Hiding what the students think so what teachers anecdodal thoughts take precedence in data based evaluations.

You said teachers think everything's good. Ever survey bullied students confidentially on their safety - 31+ pages. One carryover from last year is happening this year. Trust.(See GLSEN survey)

Set up survey to reprove data - Hodge concept (any of Hodge's past surveys (if he had them done) results available?

Abensteeism - survey on bored, engagement, especially K-3

Suicide ideation-healthy teen county

Curry Health - work with
parent/study survey - conditions

Sumnative Assessments letter to parents.

Are students still eligible for valedictorian and class ranking if they don't take the state test?

Did we utilize the million dollar athletic field grant or lose it?


Calendar stand out on home page. Knowledge bowl, sports, impt meetings and activities all in one place.

Discipline Reports 2014/15

Books vs. Kindles

Minimal time allowed to review information for board meetings - another road block


Have moved our active free programs to school on the corridor - yesterday was an example at Crater Academy in Central Point 9th (Joseph Lane Middle School, 7th Roseburg)

Continue with my oversite work in District 17C

Policy focus - protect/fair practice on bullying including working directly with Salem.

Bring light to district/boards reluctance to follow policy Example: OSBA legal BS

Key communicators - no notice to date, especially of regular and/or special board meeting.

Expose lack of action about bullying

Working with Salem to give ODE legal powers to use on districts that don't follow policies, especially around bullying

Salem on 20 different complaint forms

Protected class - update ORS

Increase school funding.