1. Second meeting check list

. Legal avenues left through ODE:

(1) Withholding of all or part of each quarterly payment of the basic school support fund due the district under ORS 327.095;
(2) Daily fines assessed against the district;
(3) Forbidding the district to participate in interschool activities;
(4) Other appropriate remedies (not to include financial remuneration to the complainant.)

2. bully

a. 26 pages - board; 7 conciliation's
b. Steps board should take over-and-above the 7 steps.
c. Remaining complainants from the June 2013 board meeting.
d. Policy reviewed - note actual changes from OSBA recommendations
e. Policy committee continue? Make-up? Changes from OSBA - 3 months to post.

3. Determine the cause of each of the 84 students who exited the BHSD in 2014/15 and determine how many are home-schooling within the district but not due to religious differences.
4. 2013 Healthy Teen (Three books)
5. Student Hand Books - BHHS not accessible. K-School and Azalea can't locate. (Get copiy of each.)
6. 100+ outstanding policies. 3 months some not posted yet. Committee to continue? Made up of whom?
7. Volunteerism
8. This is the Edge - three schools
9. Color of Fear/ Walking each other home/Bully DVD, Bully book, VHS player
10. 21st Century Schools Council (IFCA)
11. Stay in school program - million dollar (With counselors)
12. Re-connect with community
13. Vending machines
14. Partners in Progress ed.gov
15. Project teacher - PTO
16. Parental involvement - Port Orford
17. Strategic Plan Objectives - Gold Beach
18. Did BHSD incur ANY expense on b-ball complaint? Who pays for OSBA time and lawyer? Was the BHSD lawyer involved? Were there other expenses incurred by the district over-and-above the loss of teacher/administrator time being interviewed by the state? How many additional teachers could we have had if we had been compliant with state laws around bullying and harassment?
19. Training of staff, students and parents around sexual abuse and signs.
20.An act of retribution implemented by the district and members of the board: During the June 2013 regular board meeting, the superintendent and board chair immediately went on the defense to insure that the coaches received their rights and from there on out, ignored the rights of the students to protection. Even help instigate the October regular board meeting containing retribution against the complainants without being stopped.

District Superintendent suggested to the board chair and possibly the vice-chair just before the start of the special board meeting prior to the October regular board meeting, that "What's important is to get as many people there as possible." I didn't know what that meant until I arrived at the October regular board meeting. And especially experienced the board chair and vice-chair going out of their way encouraging the coach's supporters to speak. Several of the complainants left when they saw what was going on and this fact was actually mentioned by the Sports Reporter for the Pilot in his speech.