Bullied by a Teacher?
video of a teacher berating a 1st-grader angered many
parents -- but not for the reason you'd
Being Bullied
by a Teacher?
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Children have been bullied by other
children for thousands of years. Our website has a page
dedicated to dealing with bullies, "Bullies" - How To Stop
Them!. But, children are not the only bullies at school. The
topic on this page deals with a different type of bully.
Sometimes, a very small percentage of the time, a teacher
may carry their role too far and intimidate a child by over
exerting their power over that child. They may say or do
something that makes the child afraid of the teacher, or the
child may become embarrassed by something the teacher said
in front of the entire class. Do you know if your child is
being bullied by a teacher?
I want to begin by saying that the
large majority of teachers do an excellent job when they
teach and this topic does not apply to them.
This can be a controversial topic
because some may feel a teacher is being a bully, while
others may say the teacher is using tough love in their
teaching methods. I hope the information here will help you
understand the difference in a teacher being a bully verses
a teacher using proper teaching skills to help students
learn and at the same maintain class control. Many times
school systems let their teachers down by not teaching them
how to discipline students without bulling a student, or an
entire class, into doing what is needed by the teacher. Some
teachers seem to have a natural talent in teaching and
keeping control of a class. Our school systems take a
teacher right out of school and throw them into a classroom
and expect them to do a good job.
Some teachers have changed careers to
become teachers. The careers they came from may have nothing
to do with teaching, yet school systems expect them to be
good teachers without training them how to teach or how to
interact with students. Our school systems need to be held
accountable for insuring that teachers continue their
The information below may not apply to
every situation, but hopefully it will open your eyes.
Whether you are a parent, grand parent, teacher or even
principal, I encourage you to take your time and investigate
this information. Even if this does not apply to you, you
may know someone that may need this information.
Is Your Child's Teacher a
We've all heard about kids being
bullied by peers. Kids taunt, tease, pull hair, shove and
push each other on a daily basis. In recent years, schools
have taken steps to stop bullying and many have a zero
tolerance level for any type of peer harassment. But what if
your child's teacher is the bully? New research shows that
2% of children are bullied by a teacher sometime in their
elementary or middle school years.
Most teachers are caring and
compassionate. They became teachers in order to make a
difference in the lives of their pupils. However, some
teachers, for one reason or another, take a dislike to a
child in their class and pick on them on a daily basis. Such
an occurrence can have a long-lasting effect on your child's
academic experience and turn his school year into a
nightmare. The effects of teacher bullying doesn't usually
end when your child leaves the teacher's class. It?s
something that can stay with him his entire life.
Student Abuse
Teachers who are bullies treat their
victims much the same as a schoolyard bully. They humiliate
the child in front of his classmates, abuse him verbally and
make threats of physical harm or of giving low academic
grades. The teacher may center your child out by "making an
example" of him and insisting he stand in a corner. Possibly
the teacher heaps homework on your child for "punishment" of
some minor infraction. There are many different ways that a
teacher can bully students.
Suffering in Silence
Chances are if your child is being
bullied by a teacher he won't say anything. Boys are more
apt to suffer in silence than girls. Boys feel they should
be able to "take it" and fear being teased by their peers if
they tell. Your child may also fear retaliation by the
teacher if he says anything about what is happening.
Remember, a teacher is a figure of authority and kids think
that there's nothing that can be done if their teacher acts
Signs of Teacher
When a teacher bullies kids, it is a
very traumatic experience for them to go through. They are
embarrassed and humiliated and have no idea what steps they
can or should take to stop it. They often say nothing, but
there are signs that you can watch for:
- Headaches, stomachaches and
nightmares that occur frequently.
- Loss of interest in
- Negative behavior.
- A resistance to attending
- Self-Deprecating
- Complaints of being picked on by
the teacher.
- Complains of being constantly
yelled at.
- Complaints of being humiliated by
the teacher.
- Complaints of a teacher being
rude, making sarcastic remarks or being
If you feel your child's teacher may
be bullying him, don't stoop to that level. Stay calm and
keep an open mind. Approach the situation in a manner that
will result in a peaceful but appropriate
- Call a meeting between the
teacher, the principal and yourself.
- State the problem in a calm and
courteous voice.
- Listen to the teacher's side of
the story. Possibly your child has misinterpreted the
teacher's actions. Give him/her the benefit of the doubt
and keep a sharp eye to see if the problem
- Leave a paper trail. Record the
dates of all meetings and the results. Write out your
concerns and make copies for the teacher and principal.
This lets all parties know that you are serious about
resolving the issue. Keep all correspondence in a file
that is easily accessible.
- Go higher. If the situation isn't
resolved after the meeting, take it a step higher. At
this point a copy of all meetings and correspondence
should be sent to the school board of the Superintendent
of Schools. Call in advance to find out his/her name and
address the issue directly to them. Contacting the school
board or the Superintendent of Schools is well within the
rights of both you and your child.
- Never ignore an instance of
teacher bullying. It won't stop unless you make the
teacher aware that you know what is happening and make a
commitment to ascertain that it stops. Ignoring a teacher
who bullies students allows the practice to continue,
which places your child under a great deal of stress.
This can inadvertently cause your child to become a bully
on the playground or in the community. It is his way of
releasing some of the stress that he's under.
- Show your child that bullying of
any kind, even if by a teacher, is wrong. This lets your
child know that you listen to his concerns and take his
well-being seriously. Giving your child the support that
he needs, will have enormous benefits to both you and
your child.
Prevent Teacher
One way to prevent teacher bullying is
to visit your child's school often and start a relationship
with your child?s teacher early in the school year.
Volunteer in your child's classroom. If you notice that your
child's teacher has a tendency to bully students, meet the
challenge head-on and report the incident to the principal.
Remember, a teacher's rights end when your child's rights,
or any other child's rights, are being infringed
If you suspect a teacher at your
child's school is bullying students, step up to the plate
and put an end to it immediately. You can make a difference
in yours or another child's life by teaching them that
bullying of any kind or by any one is an act of cowardice
and is not to be tolerated.
Source: www.a-better-child.org/page/933699
Teachers Who Bully
The problem of teachers bullying students is more common
than you think. Learn how to prevent your child from
becoming a victim.
In recent years, a slew of books have
offered parents ample insight into the minds of young
But what if it's the teacher who
screams, threatens, or uses biting sarcasm to humiliate a
child in front of the class?
Teacher bullying gets little
attention, say Stuart Twemlow, MD, a psychiatrist who
directs the Peaceful Schools and Communities Project at the
Menninger Clinic in Houston. But his new study, published in
The International Journal of Social Psychiatry, hints that
the problem may be more common than people
In his anonymous survey of 116
teachers at seven elementary schools, more than 70% said
they believed that bullying was isolated. But 45% admitted
to having bullied a student. "I was surprised at how many
teachers were willing to be honest," Twemlow
He defines teacher bullying as "using
power to punish, manipulate, or disparage a student beyond
what would be a reasonable disciplinary
Twemlow, a former high school teacher,
insists that he's not trying to denigrate a praiseworthy --
and often beleaguered -- profession. "This is not being done
to victimize or criticize teachers. There are a few bad
apples, but the vast majority of teachers go beyond the call
of duty. They're very committed and altruistic."
Nevertheless, bullying is a risk, he
says. When Twemlow quizzed subjects about bullying, "Some
teachers reported being angry at being asked the question,"
he writes. "But more reflective teachers realized that
bullying is a hazard of teaching."
Problem Teacher
Robert Freeman, an elementary school
principal in Fallon, Nev., agrees. He recalls one teacher
who was a notorious bully. When he came onboard, "Other
teachers inundated me with complaints about her," he says.
"One year, I got 16 requests from parents asking me not to
put their child in her class."
Freeman investigated and found a cruel
streak. When elementary students asked for explanations
during lessons, she sometimes retorted, "What's the matter?
Didn't your parents give you the right genes?"
A Parent's Dilemma
Jan, a New Jersey mother who asked not
to use her real name to protect her privacy, says that
bullying affects the student's family, too. In high school,
her son began complaining that the choir teacher had singled
him out for tirades.
Like many parents who have had mostly
positive relationships with teachers, Jan believed her son
was overreacting. "We got into arguments at dinner. I told
him, 'Just stop it.' It affected his mood and it affected
our relationship."
Before long, Jan herself saw signs of
the teacher's outbursts. One day, he phoned her during a
choir rehearsal. "He said, 'Your son is ruining this,'" Jan
recalls. "I'm ready to kill my son. I'm driving there, and
I'm ready to tell him he's grounded. When I got there, the
teacher said, 'Oh, it's fine.'
"He was already over it."
The clincher came when Jan visited
another family with a daughter in the choir. Jan was shocked
when the girl said, "Oh, yeah, he totally picks on your
Why didn't Jan approach the teacher or
principal? "I didn't expect anything to come out of it.
Everyone turned their heads because this teacher was so
Besides, the teacher was the
gatekeeper for coveted choir trips. Jan worried, too, that
he would bad-mouth her son to other teachers. "The teacher
lunchroom, that's where people talk about kids. So for the
next four years, you've poisoned them."
Jan concluded that the teacher was
brilliant but volatile, and she's unsure why was her son was
a "lightning rod," she says. Maybe it was a personality
clash, she adds, because her younger daughter had no
problems in his class.
Why Do Teachers
Teachers are human, and it's unfair to
expect them never to utter a hurtful word.
But teachers do bully for various
reasons, experts tell WebMD. A student may remind them of
someone they dislike. Or, in a surprising reversal of the
"teacher's pet" syndrome, insecure teachers may bully bright
students out of envy.
Other teachers suffer from personal
problems -- job burnout, marital woes, or severe behavior
problems with their own children -- and they take out their
frustrations in class.
Furthermore, in some troubled schools,
students bully teachers -- and teachers dish it back to
avoid appearing weak. "Teachers are often physically scared
of students," Twemlow says.
Teacher bullying spans "the range of
human behaviors," Twemlow says. But he has been able to
identify two categories: a "tiny minority" of sadistic
teachers and the "bully-victim" teachers.
"The sadistic teacher hacks on kids in
a way that indicates they might get some pleasure from it,"
he says. That means "humiliating students, hurting students'
feelings, and being spiteful." For example, he remembers one
teacher who repeatedly ridiculed a boy by calling him a
girl's name.
In an ideal world, there would be
screening methods to weed out such "nightmare teachers," he
says. "We basically feel that sadistic teachers shouldn't be
For the bully-victim teacher, there
may be more hope, he says. "This is the type of teacher who
usually is passive and lets a class get out of control and
responds with rage and bullying. These bully-victim teachers
are often absent from work, they fail to set limits, and
they do a lot of referrals to the principal because they
like other people to handle their problems."
These teachers could benefit from
training on effective classroom management, he
Men and women are equally likely to
bully, Twemlow says, but his study didn't look at whether
their tactics differed.
One interesting finding: Teachers who
bully were often bullied themselves in childhood. As
Twemlow's study co-researcher, Peter Fonagy, PhD, noted in a
news release: "If your early experiences lead you to expect
that people will not reason, but respond to force, then you
are at risk of recreating this situation in your
Advice for Parents
When abuse is physical, most parents
don't hesitate to report the offending teacher, Freeman
says. But many see emotional or verbal bullying as a gray
area. They worry that speaking up could cause a teacher to
take revenge on their child -- and there's little escape.
"It really is on a different level than kid-to-kid
bullying," Twemlow says. "The kid has no power."
Don't ignore the problem, experts say.
Here are some tips for handling the issue of teacher
Develop a Habit of Talking Openly
About School With Your Child
Because children view teachers as
authority figures, they often won't tell their parents if
they're being mistreated. Parents who don't talk with their
children won't know about bullying until grades drop or a
child becomes depressed, Twemlow says.
Keep an eye out for such behavior
changes. Also, probe for details if your child says, "Mrs.
So-and-So doesn't like me," says Janet Belsky, PhD, a Middle
Tennessee State University psychology professor. That's
especially true if a child rarely complains of mistreatment
by others.
Volunteering in class also allows a
parent to keep an eye on the situation and develop a
relationship with the teacher.
Talk With the Teacher in a
Nonadversarial Manner
If parents suspect a problem, they
should meet with the teacher without "screaming or
threatening attorneys," Twemlow says. Avoid blaming and keep
an open mind. After all, a child may have misinterpreted a
teacher's behavior.
Take a cooperative approach, says Mark
Weiss, education director for Operation Respect, a New
York-based nonprofit organization that deals with bullying.
A parent can say, "'I'm concerned. I think my child's afraid
in this class. What do you think is going on?' The teacher
is then able to engage in the conversation."
Don't bring a young child, Twemlow
adds, but it's fine to include a teenager "who needs to be
treated more like an adult." Always tell your child
beforehand that you're seeing the teacher, he says. That
way, he or she won't be embarrassed to find out after the
A teacher meeting often solves the
problem, Twemlow says. But not always. "A master bully will
rationalize," Freeman says, and nothing changes.
Take Your Complaint
If the situation doesn't improve, ask
the principal to intervene. It may pay to ask for a
classroom transfer, Freeman says. Not all principals honor
such requests, but some do.
Some principals let bully teachers go
unchallenged, he adds. Then parents may have to go up the
chain of command, for example, by filing a formal complaint
with the school superintendent or school board and demanding
a response. They should also keep good records of all
communications and incidents.
Reassure Your Child
Resolving a bullying issue can be
difficult, so support your child, Weiss says. "Let your
child know that you care and that you want to do something
-- that in life we try to do things and sometimes it takes
more than one shot at it."
But don't let the situation drag on
for months, Belsky says. "You want to try to nip it in the
Source: www.webmd.com/parenting/features/teachers-who-bully
Being bullied by a teacher
How to spot the signs and deal with bullying by a
Generally speaking, teachers do a good
job, often under stressful circumstances, so when your child
complains they are being bullied by a teacher it's worth
considering what might be behind it.
Possible reasons for
- Could your child be misbehaving in
- Is your child misinterpreting the
teacher's actions?
- Is this the only teacher your
child complains about?
- Is the teacher trying to get
him/her to produce better work?
- Is the teacher unaware of personal
circumstances in your family where jokes which might be
inoffensive to most people upset your child?
Make some discreet enquiries amongst
the parents of your child's friends. Overt unpleasant
remarks are likely to be remembered by other children and
reported to their parents. If other parents also have
concerns about the way their children are being treated then
that might indicate a problem.
Discuss with your child what sort of
remarks are made and in what circumstances. If your child is
being criticised for not completing work but is finding the
work difficult then a simple call to the head of year, or a
note to the teacher explaining the situation and asking for
help should resolve the problem.
If you feel a teacher is taking issue
with your child and it is becoming regular, you might want
to consider making a written complaint to the head teacher,
and then to the governors if the problem continues.
Particularly if as far as you are aware your child has never
had a problem with any other teacher.
How to resolve the
An informal approach to the head of
year would be a good start but you must be prepared not to
like the response if your child's behaviour is an issue.
Bullying UK gets many complaints about teacher bullying
accompanied by remarks like "I know my son's no angel" or
"my daughter only refused to do as the teacher asked because
she thought it was unfair". If a child is defiant and
answers back then teachers are not going to accept that, and
rightly so.
If you feel you have a genuine concern
and the head of year hasn't been able to resolve it then
make a complaint to the head teacher and if that isn't
successful to the governors. However, it's much better to
try to sort the problem out diplomatically at a much earlier
stage because your child is likely to have contact with a
teacher over a number of years.
Try not to overreact and stay calm
when speaking to the school. If you are worried about this
then it is definitely worth putting your concerns in writing
rather than have a verbal conversation. It is normally a
good idea to get things on a more formal footing anyway
which can carry more weight. Remember, there are always two
sides to a situation but remember too that you know your
child better than anyone.
Source: www.bullying.co.uk/bullying-at-school/being-bullied-by-a-teacher/
10 Ways to Respond to a Teacher Who
Learn how to address bullying when it involves your
childs teacher
The majority of teachers your child
will encounter are good at what they do. In fact, many
teachers go beyond the call of duty and are very altruistic.
However, there are teachers who do not handle their
responsibilities well. And even some teachers who bully
their students. Instead of using proper discipline
procedures or effective classroom management techniques,
they use their power as a teacher to condemn, manipulate or
ridicule students.
When the bullying is physical, most
parents dont hesitate to report incidents. But, when
the bullying is emotional or verbal, they often arent
sure how to proceed. One concern is that teachers will
retaliate and make things worse for their child. While this
is a valid concern, its never a good idea to ignore
the situation. Here are some ideas for addressing bullying
by a teacher.
Be sure to document all bullying
incidents. Keep a record everything that happens including
dates, times, witnesses, actions and consequences. For
instance, if the teacher berates your child in front of the
class be sure to write it down including the date, the
approximate time, what was said and which students were
present. If other students participate in the bullying as a
result of the teachers actions, be sure to include
that information too. And if there is any physical bullying,
cyberbullying or harassment based on race or disability,
report this to your local police immediately. Depending on
the area where you live, these forms of bullying are often
Reassure and support your child. Be
sure to keep an open dialogue with your child about school
and what is taking place. Remember your first priority is
that you get help for your child. Dont hesitate to
connect with a counselor and be sure to have your child
evaluated by a pediatrician who can check for signs of
depression, anxiety issues and sleep problems. Make sure you
keep a close watch for signs of bullying and remember that
kids often dont report bullying behavior.
Take steps to build your childs
self-esteem. Help your child see his strengths. Also
encourage him to focus on things other than the bullying
like favorite activities or new hobbies. Dont spend
too much time talking about the bullying. Doing so keeps
your child focused on the negative in their life. Instead,
help him move beyond it and see that there are other things
in life to be happy about. This will help build
Talk with your child before taking
steps to resolve the issue. Its never a good idea to
have a meeting with a teacher or principal without telling
your child. You run the risk of embarrassing your child if
he finds out about the situation after the fact.
Additionally, your child will need to be prepared
emotionally if the meeting does not go well and the teacher
Follow the chain of command. Remember,
the closer someone is to the problem, the more likely he
will be able to take swift, effective action. If you go
straight to the top, you will most likely be asked whom you
have talked to about the situation and what have you done to
remedy the situation. You want to be sure you have exhausted
all possibilities for resolving this issue at the lower
levels before moving higher. Additionally, if you have
documentation from your interactions at lower levels, it
will be hard to ignore what you have to say when you do get
to the top.
Consider requesting a meeting with the
teacher. Depending on the severity and frequency of the
bullying, it may be wise to go directly to the person doing
the bullying first. Many times, a teacher meeting will
resolve the problem if you take a cooperative approach when
discussing the situation. Try to keep an open mind and
listen to the teachers perspective. Avoid screaming,
accusing, blaming and threatening to sue.
Be sure to express your concerns but
allow others to engage in the conversation. For instance, if
your child seems to be afraid in class, mention this. Then
ask the teacher what she thinks may be going on. This allows
the teacher to talk about what she sees. Additionally,
its less likely she will get defensive if you are open
to hearing her perspective.
Take your complaint higher if the
situation doesnt improve or the bullying is severe in
nature. Sometimes teachers will rationalize their behavior,
blame the student or refuse to admit any wrongdoing. Other
times the bullying is much too severe to risk speaking with
a teacher directly. If this is the case, ask to meet with
the principal in person. Be sure to share your
documentation. You also could request a classroom transfer
at this point. Not all principals will honor such requests,
but some do.
Continue to go up the chain of command
if you dont get results.Unfortunately, some principals
will let teachers who bully go unchallenged or deny that
bullying is taking place. If this is the case, its
time to file a formal complaint with superintendent or the
school board, demanding a response. Be sure to keep good
records of all your communications including e-mails,
letters and documentation of telephone calls.
Dont let the bullying drag on
indefinitely. If the principal, superintendent or school
board drags their feet in responding to you, then it may be
time to get legal counsel. In the meantime, you also may
want to investigate other options for your child like a
transfer to another school, private school, homeschooling
and online programs. Leaving your child in a bullying
situation can have dire consequences. Be sure you make every
effort to either end the bullying or remove your child from
the situation. Dont assume the bullying will end
without intervention.
Source: bullying.about.com/od/Victims/a/10-Ways-To-Respond-To-A-Teacher-Who-Bullies.htm
When the teacher is the bully
Bullying has become a national issue. But what do you do
if the school bully is your child's teacher?
When Karen Eubanks son first
complained about his mean teacher, she took it
with a grain of salt. Usually mean just
means a teacher makes you study, is demanding, or wants you
to answer questions, says the Dallas, TX mom.
Not that [the teachers] being verbally
Unfortunately, thats exactly
what it meant. Eubank had transferred her son from a private
school to a new charter that a friend recommended. During
the tour, Eubank fell in love with the school there
was a garden, they played music at lunch, the school was
just beautiful, she says.
But after the school year began, her
fourth grader began saying that he didnt want to go to
school. Every day before school, he claimed he felt
nauseated. Every afternoon at pickup, he was angry. Eubank
assumed the boy was just adjusting to his new school. It
wasnt until Halloween that Eubanks discovered the
chilling truth. She asked a child in the class next door to
her sons how he liked school. He replied it that he
was fine, but that her son wasnt having such a
good time. The teacher, the boy told her, yells
at him all the time and we can hear it in the next
Eubank set up meetings first
with the teacher who insisted the problem was her
sons inattentiveness and then the principal
who refused to do anything. They both pulled me
in to say they were worried about my kid, she says,
that he couldnt pay attention, couldnt
focus. They were both basically hinting that my son needed
medication. Taking respected education professionals
at their word, Eubank took her son for a psychological
evaluation at Baylor University and learned there was
nothing wrong with him.
An active school volunteer, Eubank
chatted up other parents who all noted that her sons
teacher never smiled. Meanwhile, her son shared more detail
about his teacher. She picks on me and is
mean, he told me, says Eubank. I pay
attention, he insisted, but I look out the
window because Id rather look at trees and listen than
look at her angry face. But when her son looked
out the window, the teacher would regularly humiliate him in
front of the other students, yelling at him and slamming her
hand on his desk.
Within a few days, following another
hand-slamming-the-desk episode, in desperation Eubank pulled
her son out of school and started homeschooling.
Another type of
Bullying is starting to get national
attention and be taken more seriously than in days past. But
the focus is decidedly on kid-on-kid abuse. While the mean
girls, the taunters and tormentors, the physical abusers,
and the excluders are very real threats, so too are
educators who abuse their power over the very kids they are
supposed to protect.
But when teachers verbally and even
physically abuse kids, the abuse is often blatant and rarely
called what it is bullying reinforcing the
false notion that only kids, not the grown-ups in charge,
are bullies.
Amid mounting data that bullying is on
the rise, theres a glaring absence of statistics on
adult school bullies. In part, perhaps, because bullying by
a teacher or principal is far more complex to identify,
address, and rectify. Its difficult to know what to
make of a teacher who crosses the line from basic discipline
to regularly berating, intimidating, humiliating (and even
physically abusing) a student so much so that a
childs afraid to be in school.
In response to another GreatSchools
article on bullying (What you can do to stop
bullying), a brave teacher confessed (in a comment) to
having bullied students in the past until he changed
his ways. I became a teacher when I was in my early
20s, and I was horrible to the kids. I was a monstrous bully
to the special ed kids I taught
I was eventually
forced to resign, and after three years, I realized why I
was wrong. I changed completely, and when I went back to
teaching, I never raised my voice or made any threats. It
was wonderful. I learned to lead by
His honest admission prompted us to
look further into bully teachers, a topic rarely discussed.
We started by asking GreatSchools readers if theyd
ever had a teacher who was a bully (see sidebar). Dozens of
people came forward with painful stories but none had
a clear way to redress the situation. When children bully
other children, experts offer viable theories on how to deal
with the problem: Fight back, walk away, ignore the bully
and hell move on, tell a teacher, tell your parents,
ask any adult for help.
But when the bully is the grown-up in
charge, how should a child respond? With a bully teacher,
fighting back, walking out of the class, or ignoring the
teacher are hardly viable solutions, and ones that will most
likely get kids in even more trouble. Even telling another
teacher or the principal gets tricky. At the very least, the
child knows by telling a teacher, another adult at the
school, or even their own parents, that the problem
isnt likely to be solved overnight. So whats a
kid or a parent to do?
The first step, perhaps, is to listen
to the stories and learn from others, like retired teacher
Elaine Sigal. Her bully was the principal at the New Jersey
high school where she taught. Sigal endured anti-Semitic
comments, watched as the principal screamed at
African-American students, and cringed when the principal
mocked parents with accents. Other teachers were terrified
to be seen talking to Sigal, else they face the
principals wrath. Theyd hide behind a
cabinet door, she says. After battling it out with the
principal for two-and-a-half years, she threw in the towel
and transferred to a Hebrew school.
Sigal thinks that there might be
another way and now as an educational consultant (she
launched a startup called Stizzil to help kids with
tutoring, test prep, self-esteem, and more), shes been
on the frontlines with bully teachers. One of her female
students wrote about being bullied by her second grade
teacher who made her a pariah; the negative
effects lasted through middle school. Sigal accompanied a
male students immigrant parent on a visit to a school
counselor. The [counselor] puts her head down
on her desk and says to me [in front of the childs
parent], I have no idea why youre wasting
your time, hes another dumb [racial
slur]. Sigal says.
Taking action
In the face of such blatant bullying,
Sigal offers this advice: First thing you have to do
is document, document, document. Write down the date,
the time, and exactly what happened. Despite the obvious
pain youre feeling as a parent, Sigal says, its
crucial to be as reasonable and objective as
If the situation isnt too
egregious, meet with the teacher to see if you can find a
resolution. If that doesnt work, Sigal recommends
learning what you can from everyone at school your
child, other kids, parents in the class. Volunteer at
school, drive the carpool, keep your ear to the ground, all
the while documenting everything you learn. During this
fact-finding period, Sigal says to start building a support
network of parents after all, one parents
complaints can easily be waved off, while a group of
concerned parents has more chance of being heard.
Sigal advises parents to resist
storming the principals office right away.
Follow the chain of command, she says, starting
with, say, a senior teacher or the head of that
teachers department, then the vice principal,
principal, principals supervisor, and superintendent.
This approach works in your favor for two reasons: One, the
closer someone is to the problem, the more likely
theyll be able to take swift, effective action; and
two, when you go to the top, one of the first questions will
be, Who have you talked to about this, and what did
they say? If you cant answer effectively,
youre likely to be directed back to those youve
skipped. And always, says Sigal, document every bullying
incident. If you have documentation for a couple of
months, they cant ignore that, Sigal says.
And if they try to, Id say Im going
to the newspaper.
A battle kids cant
When it comes to protecting kids from
bully teachers, sadly kids are in a vulnerable position
and ill-equipped to fight the battle on their
Case in point: A high school junior in
Boston, MA who now needs an attorneys help to clear
his school record. The teen repeatedly and in vain
asked to be moved out of a class where he felt like
the target of an abusive teacher, says his lawyer Daniel
Maloney. The acrimonious situation came to a head one day
when the boy vented his frustrations and it sounded
like a threat. He was summarily suspended, putting a mar on
his permanent record that may jeopardize his college
prospects. Moral of the story? The teen was unable to defend
himself against the bully teacher and now needs legal help
to protect his future.
When it comes to bully teachers,
theres no real silver lining but there are
different routes parents can take. In Eubanks case,
homeschooling was the best choice. Now her son is happily
back in a public high school and doing well with
brilliant teachers, she says. For Sigal, a
school transfer did the trick. But she believes following
certain protocol like documenting every incident,
building a support system, and working up the chain of
command can protect kids from continued trauma at the
hands of a bully teacher and save them from the ordeal of
leaving a school altogether. But, says Sigal, the fight to
protect your child from a bully teacher may not (and usually
wont) be easy.
Source: www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/when-the-teacher-is-the-bully/
When The Teacher is the Bully
Bullying has been front and center in the public arena
for some time now. In recent years, schools have promoted a
zero tolerance for schoolyard bullying. Guidelines and
resources are more readily available to cope with the
workplace bully, as well as for cyber bullying that happens
on the computer superhighway.
But what if your child's teacher is
the bully? Recent research shows that 2% of children are
bullied by a teacher in their lifetime. Teachers who are
bullies have the same characteristics of other bullies. They
are sadistic and petty, gaining self-esteem through the
humiliation of others. In the school environment, a
teacher-bully will shame a child in front of classmates,
often using their position of authority in abusive ways. The
teacher-bully may make an example of a child, sending him
out of the room or to the corner. Maybe an extra assignment
or denying your child recess becomes the vehicle for
I had a teacher who was a bully. I was
in the 10th grade and she made my life miserable. She was my
Spanish teacher, and all year long she picked on me, calling
on me to answer impossible questions, throwing me out of the
class for making noise and even accusing me of cheating on
the Regents exam. Luckily, I had a reputation as being a
very quiet student, never getting into any trouble or
mischief. I hardly spoke in class and was painfully shy.
Administrators responsible for overseeing my
discipline knew there was a bullying situation
going on. Unfortunately, there were two choices. Either drop
Spanish and not graduate or stay in the class, since there
were no other Spanish classes to transfer into. The lesser
of two evils was to stay in the class. And though I had
support from my parents and from my friends, the
teachers bullying was traumatic for me. I was young
and ill-equipped to deal with the humiliation and
accusations. Like a deer in headlights, I just stood there,
Ive long shed the quiet and
hesitant demeanor of my teenage years. I have a zero
tolerance for bullying of any kind - and am fierce when I
have to be. In fact, as a therapist, I help many children
take on their bullying battles with great success. And every
time I do, I think back to my Spanish teacher and how
Id do things differently. It brings a smile to my face
thinking about how Id take her on with my kick-ass,
no-nonsense set of bully-stomping skills.
Ten Tips for Dealing with a
If your child is being bullied by a
teacher, here are some ways to combat the abuse.
1) Listen attentively to your child
when he or she talks about the bullying. Your childs
emotional expression is an important aspect of healing. Ask
for details, but dont push too hard.
2) Remind your child that shame and
humiliation are not acceptable ways of treating another
human being. This is abusive, and your child needs to know
what that means.
3) Some children will be happy for you
to intervene, while others may become terrified of your
involvement. Support and comfort your child but also educate
him or her that you cannot let this hurtful behavior
4) Inform your child that you'll be
speaking with the teacher to open up a dialogue about the
situation. This is about problem solving - and doing so will
teach your child how to negotiate difficult situations in
the future.
5) When confronting the teacher,
remember that poise and strength count. Resist falling into
the gutter with the teacher-bully. Sinking to that level
will hurt your position should you need to go further with
this issue.
6) Leave a hard-copy or email paper
trail of all your conversations with the teacher. If things
continue to be abusive for your child, dont wait.
Immediately involve the school administration and support
7) If the bullying hasn't stopped, and
there's been no other accommodations made for your child at
the school building level, contact the Superintendent and
notify your school board.
8) Consider a school transfer if you
cannot find success from any of these strategies.
9) Dont hesitate to file a
complaint to the state licensing board.
10) Consider professional help for
your child if the bullying causes significant
Source: drdeborahserani.blogspot.com/2011/01/when-teacher-is-bully.html
video of a teacher berating a 1st-grader angered many
parents -- but not for the reason you'd think
A secretly recorded video emerged Friday of a first-grade
Success Academy teacher berating a student who couldn't
answer a math question correctly and ripping up the girl's
A teacher's assistant leaked the video
to The New York Times, and Success Academy -- the city's
largest charter school network -- held a press conference
Friday to fire back at the paper and accuse it of "gotcha
tactics" to tear down the school.
"I read the story in the morning and I
thought it was not only unfair, it was insulting," said
Youssef Senhaji, a father of three Success Academy
He was one of dozens of parents and
teachers who joined the Success Academy press conference to
voice their anger at the newspaper for supposedly selling a
false narrative about the schools.
Many parents at the press conference
seemed upset by what they perceived as The Times'
paternalistic lecturing to minority parents. Success Academy
serves 11,000 students in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and
the Bronx. Its website indicates that 93 percent of their
students are children of color, and 76 percent are from
low-income households.
"I'm keeping it civilized, because
when I read this thing this morning and was home alone, you
don't want to hear what I was saying," Senhaji added, before
arguing The Times was overstepping its bounds by implying
parents are "blind" to what's going on their kids'
Natasha Shannon, a mother with three
daughters at Success Academy, echoed this
"I don't understand why the New York
Times thinks it has to educate me as a parent about the
school that I choose to send my children to," she
"I'm not some poor, uninformed parent
or someone who is not aware of what's available in New York
City schools," she added. "I chose Success. I made that
choice because it's the best choice for my
The press conference was punctuated
by raucous applause, and shouts of "that's right" and "say
it again" when the teachers and parents agreed with what one
of the speakers had to say about their schools.
"We can't get a fair shake from the
so-called paper of record," Success Academy CEO Eva
Moskowitz said at Friday's event.
One of the most boisterous rounds of
applause came after Success Academy teacher Candice Seagrave
"The most heartbreaking part of all of
this is the feeling that you don't believe that black and
brown kids can be successful," she said.
For its part, The Times told Business
Insider that it rejects Moskowitz's criticism of their
"We would have done this story if that
video were filmed in a traditional public school, a Catholic
school or an independent school, and we would have explored
the question of whether or not it represents larger problems
within those institutions," The Times said in a
Students in the Success Academy far
outperform students in traditional public schools (TPS) in
New York City on standardized tests -- even students in
wealthy zip codes, as Reason has pointed out.
Seagrave, the Success Academy teacher,
questioned the motives behind The Time's decision to run the
60-second video, claiming the only way the paper can believe
SA students are able to attain stellar achievement levels is
through improper or abusive teaching methods.
Still, this is not the first time the
school has come under fire, particularly by people
interviewed in The Times, for questionable practices at
their schools.
Last year, a New York Times report
included interviews claiming students in the third grade and
above were wetting themselves in classrooms because they
felt so stressed out and didn't want to lose time during
standardized tests. The same article described the public
shaming of students for poor grades.
On Friday, the press conference about
the most recent video ended with a brief time allotted for
questions from the media.
"Is the girl who was scolded in the
video still a student at Success Academy Cobble Hill?" Kate
Taylor, The New York Times reporter who wrote the story
about the video, asked.
Moskowitz was unable to provide an
answer. "I would have to confirm that," she said.
When the video was published,
Moskowitz said the incident was an anomaly. The teacher in
the video called it a "lapse in emotional control,"
according to The Times. It is still disturbing to watch,
especially since The Times' interviews with 20 current and
former Success Academy teachers suggested her actions were
extreme but not uncommon.
the full video: 
Source: www.aol.com/article/2016/02/16/disturbing-video-of-a-teacher-berating-a-1st-grader-angered-many/21313527/
