Michael Freels 021716 Regular Board Meeting

Good evening everyone. My name is Michael Freels from Brookings and I'm going to give you some Michael Freels 101. And I, ah um, had the pleasure of actually participating, I had two kids who actually have gone through the whole system here, they're off to Oregon State, both of them My daughter graduated last year and I had the privileges, I guess, of kinda of being involved a lot of school activities and I got called begrudgingly last week, to come and play guitar for Seabreeze and I find it very hard to believe that we have no guitar players with all the young (jumbled) gets quiet, okay, And the thing I I  observed the most is, I get to walk around the school and it's just amazing to me that these kids are just ______________ It's awesome. They're so polite Ah, I'm going to say this. 99% of them, I mean a lot of them don't even know me but they see an adult walking through that doesn't look like a teacher and they'll actually hold the door open for me. Or just some little gesture of kindness. And it's just amazing that, I'm proud. I'm proud that I can, I want to come tonight and express that it was an amazing week last week here at your school. I don't, I miss it, I don't miss it. That means you can still call me to play guitar. But, um, you know, it's interesting because it wasn't just the kids in the Seabreeze choir, but we actually went around to different rooms and so and there was some teachers that heard some extra curricular noise in the hallway and then they found out what it was and so it wasn't so much of a disruption. But, um, we generally waited until the classrooms. The demeanor of the kids I mean they offer you their chairs or you know it's it's just amazing. Something's going on right here. And it's a nice change. I think it's a nurturing change. Um you know and so we took off to go to the community as well and and sometimes you act pretty good around here but when you get out in the community, we've all been there, and there again, the kids,it was amazing, and I'm getting tired so I'm old and grumpy and need my nap at around two but the kids were still very decent and I'm talking like young adult kids. I'm not talking about and we took the high school kids and so um I for one find it very humbling that I can still walk through town and and I'll still get somebody come up and say hello Mr. Freels. And not just, maybe engage a little more like "How are you." What are you doing and and I engage back. I generally care for these kids which is why I can get a phone call to come and help. And so I saw no instance in the bullying. There was only one small child at the elementary who came up and started strumming my guitar. I turned around and it was Michael Freels junior. But I don't consider that bullying. I just consider that enthusiasm. And um anyway you guys deserve every ____________________I know this, I'm a half full guy not a half empty guy and I know that it's not all flowery and it's not all, you know everything's not all rosy. We all have problems and issues. But you know we raise a lot of kids in this community. I'm kinda amazed when I walk through ____ where are these kids coming from. I don't remember them all being here _____ And um generally I would say that, uh, that there's something going on right here you guys. So whatever you're doing, thank-you. Honest to God thank-you. You're you're raising young adults _____ and that's what we're trying to do we're trying to raise kids not only in the academic like our superintendent you know that's that's important but we're also raising them to have life skills And those are the little things that are forgotten a lot like holding the door open er er just say hello to some body or uh you know what I'm talking about you can't ____________ that just becomes a flavor of of the environment and so I just wanted to say thank-you for allowing me to come and speak tonight on something positive. I embraced it last week I got to experience it first hand and I'm looking forward to uh the next time where I can be engaged with the kids again. Thank-you for allowing me that privilege.