We followed real college freshmen to dorms, parties, and frat houses for an uncensored look into what college life is really like -- and what we learned will shock you. Last year, the average American household income was $50,233. The average price of a private, four-year college is $25,143 per year. If your child is a college freshman, do you know where all your money is going? We didn't either ... until now. Parents' hard-earned money isn't just going to books, dorms, and classes ... it's also financing drinking, drugs and dangerous sex. We were rocked to the core by what we saw, so we were compelled to dig deeper. We surveyed 2,500 college freshmen from around the country about what really happens on campus. The results are downright scary. Source:
Parents, listen up. When we embarked on our "Wasted Youth" investigation, we expected to find kids partying on weekends and occasionally missing classes. What we actually found was much more disturbing -- freshmen partying until they pass out, kids having sex with numerous partners, and others getting so wasted that they had to be rushed to the hospital. We surveyed over 2,500 freshmen from all over the nation to see if this was the norm. Sadly not only is it the norm, it's way worse than we ever suspected. Here are some of the most shocking things that we found: 57% of freshmen drank before college and 68% drink now that they are in college
Since being in college:
49% of freshmen whose parents are paying for school DO NOT feel an obligation to NOT party and focus on school 50% of freshmen say that their parents DID NOT talk to them about partying before they left for school 48% of freshmen say their parents WOULD NOT approve of their behavior, while 50% say their parents WOULD approve 56% of freshmen say they know someone who has ended up in the hospital because of partying 38% of freshmen admit to having sex with one or more people since arriving at school
Here are the rest of our College Freshmen Survey results: 65% of students go to schools that cost $15,000 or more 71% of parents pay for half or all of the college tuition
40% of freshmen did drugs before college
Since being in college, 31% of freshmen have tried drugs
Kids say they party to:
69% say they don't think they party too much 25% of freshmen have missed classes/assignments because they've partied too much and 10% admit their grades are suffering because of partying 75% of freshmen feel that there ARE negative ramifications to partying 26% of freshmen feel they have to party to fit in 40% of freshmen say their parents DON'T know how much they party, while 34% say their parents DO know how much they party 40% of freshmen say that peer pressure is the same as or worse than in college than in high school See Also: Spring
Break Confessions:
"Kids in my school are always hooking up or having sex in the closets, bathrooms or auditorium. I can't describe the nauseating feeling of walking down the hall and having to dodge the used condom on the ground." -- Kristen, 18, Atlanta Related Issues: Oregon Healthy Teen Survey |