Gordon Clay
January 16, 2014
Keep the Duck

Gordon Clay here. Keep the duck. I'm not talking about the Oregon Ducks nor the ducks that rain down in Harbor every year. I say keep Duck Dynasty on the air. Not because of the free speech issue. And not because of the money it makes for millionaires. It's because the show reflects a religious point of view and it might provide the best picture of the ability of a segment of our society to really get on a cellular level what they've been taught on an intellectual level. You see, someone in that family is possibly gay but hasn't come out because of the perceived or real belief what they might experience from the community and maybe their family. Like so many people who have come out and been disinherited by the family and friends, if one of the "Duck" family eventually feels safe enough to come out, who will react, on camera, and what will happen. I expect, if the cast is truthful, which I trust their religious indoctrination has taught them to be, some of them will reject the person and, hopefully, some will show them the love that their religion encourages for all people. If this happens, this might be one of the most powerful things ever to happen on television. And has the opportunity to change the behavior of millions of people towards those who have a sexual orientation apart from what their religion proports as healthy and human. Maybe they'll even start selling a pink Duck Dynasty triangle bandana to show support for those LGBTIQ people in their community. Maybe the Duck Dynasty will be the vehicle to lead the way towards tolerance for everyone. That's what I think.