Down to the last drop

Gordon Clay here. The highly successful First Friday Salon free film series that started in February at the Chetco Community Public Library in Brookings will present it's third film on April 6 followed by an open discussion about the film.

Blue Gold: World Water Wars is the subject of something we can't live without - water. You may have thought it was a human right. But certain corporations have been plotting to control the water supply on this planet for a while now, and have been moving that strategy into place around the globe. Now the World Bank has required certain governments to privatize their precious water supply as a condition to getting a loan -- making it a corporate commodity answerable only to stockholders. In some places it is now illegal to catch rainwater, because rain is being considered private property, including some places here in the United States. It seems inconceivable, but it is happening. And it's started happening here in Oregon at the Cascade Locks on the Columbia River Gorge.

Water for Nestlé’s bottling facility would be taken from Oxbow Springs in the Mt. Hood National Forest and replaced with well water from the city.

Do you want to give up your right to the water around you, including rain? Join us to view and discuss this film.

And mark your calendar for the First Friday of every month through 2012 at the wheelchair accessible Chetco Library, showing documentaries that, most likely, would never show in this area and are certain to generate spirited discussion. The movie starts promptly at 6pm. For more information visit