Gordon Clay here. Following in the "footsteps" of the very success Brookings' Art Walk, we at TheCitizensWhoCare.org have outlined a tour of all of the places in Brookings where you can buy alcohol. We call it the Brookings' Booze Cruise.
Take a cruise down Chetco Avenue for less than a mile between Oak and Arnold. You can find 22 establishments within a block or so of Chetco Ave that sell alcohol, not counting all of the homes with unlocked liquor cabinets.
In fact, 51% of all establishments in Curry County that have a license to sell alcohol are in Brookings/Harbor.
According to a new study released January 8 of this year, drinking rates, binge drinking and driving drunk were higher among 12- to 17-year-olds who lived within a half-mile of an alcohol outlet.
An adolescent's central nervous system and brain are not yet fully developed and are especially sensitive to alcohol. Adolescent drinkers perform worse in school and have an increased risk of social problems, depression, suicidal thoughts and violence.
Research shows that 45% of those who began drinking before age 14 developed later alcohol dependence, compared with only 10% of those of those who waited until they were at least 21. More than one of every 20 youth ages 12-17 suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence requiring treatment.
In a 2006 study, 35% of Curry County eighth graders used alcohol and 28% of eleventh graders were binge drinkers, both rates higher than the state average.
We hope you realize
that Brookings and Curry County have a problem with alcohol and that
underage drinking is getting out of hand. What can you do?