Big Pharma - I
Gordon Clay here. Drug giants spend billions a year promoting their pills to children, ignoring FDA rules. Johnson & Johnson even advertises its latest anti-psychotic drug on Legos, ignoring evidence that the drug leads to diabetes and wild weight gain and sprouts breast in boths boys and girls.
What about all eleven vaccines* Oregon children are required to get before they are allowed to get a public education?
In California, kids are requird to get a questionable vacination against whooping cough. And, in Texas, girls as young as 11 are required to get vacinated against HPV. Thank-goodness the HPV and the Swine Flu vaccines aren't required for Oregon's children.
Help me here. If a vaccine actually works, then what is the problem with allowing parents to make an independent, informed decision not to get their child vaccinated?
If the Health Department thinks the child is in danger, let go. Their parents made that choice and a potentially infected child isn't endangering any of the children who got the vaccine, just those whose parents chose not to vacinate their child. But don't withdraw the educational opportunity for that decision.
On the other hand, if a vaccine doesn't do its job, then it shouldn't be require just because Big Pharma says it's okay. And, the school system that does require such vaccinations that prove harmful should be held financially responsible in addition to the vaccine manufacturer. It’s essential to do your homework before submitting yourself or your child to a vaccination.
Tune in in two weeks to hear a continuation of the subject of Big Pharma and an HPV vaccine on boys!
* Resource varification: Diphtheria, tetanus, pertusis, Hepatitis A and B, Haemophilus Influenzae Tape B (Hib), Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Polio, and Varicella (chickenpox) are required.
Risperdal., (Gardasil -, and cervical cancer vaccine on boys!