Gordon Clay here. What does "being a man" mean to you? If we continue to define our manhood based on our ability to work in the old economy, we set ourselves up for failure. It would be like holding on to the horse as a symbol of manly transportation. “Real men ride horses. Choosing any other way to get around means you’re not a man.”
In the new era, manhood will be defined less on what we do than by who we are. We’ll have to learn to take on qualities that have been traditionally more associated with women. For some men, they’d rather die than do that. Others will find it a relief to let go of the old macho constraints and learn to live in new ways.
Most of us have grown up believing that real men stuff their feelings. We were told that real men don’t cry. Real men don’t complain. Real men aren’t afraid. The only feelings we grew up being allowed were anger and lust. We would spend endless hours talking about who we were mad at and who we wanted to have sex with.
In reality, men experience a whole symphony of feelings, but have only learned to play two notes. Here’s a list of a few feelings. Which ones do you express openly and often? Which ones would you like to learn to express more fully?
Kind, compassionate, understanding, supportive, playful, calm, tender, afraid, worried, hurt, courageous, delighted, overjoyed, festive, affectionate, guilty, considerate, enthusiastic, ashamed, secure, optimistic, brave, liberated, thrilled, and ecstatic.
Feelings are manly. General Schrawkof said "I don't trust a man who doesn't cry." Think about it.